Monday, August 30, 2010

M word, thy name is MUD

As I sit down to type this, I am sweating, my head is aching and I have four- count them 4- children in some type of hyperactivity or coma. I realize my free will was exercised when I drove through the lane and chose the glad fare on the board but I chose correctly- Apples instead of fries. HOWEVER, along with said apples (which reek of some type of preservative and are more pickled than  "fresh") is an easily accessed container of caramel dipping sauce. When I say easily accessed I just want to clarify. My two and half year old daughter easily, and very quietly, opened it and proceeded to consume this container in the car in what I must say was 2 SECONDS FLAT!!! Why would this corporation offer a "healthy alternative" like apple dippers? Um, gee.... I am feeling like there is some type of Mommy Conspiracy afoot... lure in the Moms and their kiddos and then sock it to them with the adulterated bleached apples and sugar syrup! My darling toddler was DeLiRiOuS!!! I am monitoring her for a sugar coma as we speak- she was talking crazy, razzing her older cousin and on a mood fun-ride that was not so fun for those watching.
Now, if for some reason you are not laughing along with me (or fine, at me) then you have never been in a mini-van hell like me and should not bother reading further. Otherwise, send me a mini-violin of sympathy through the computer screen right now as I struggle to type this through the haze of a day of craziness capped off by a deceitful meal that. was. NOT. happy.


Please comment, but remember the golden rule. Comment on others the way you wanted to be commented on. Oh, and BEWARE KARMA.