Happy Friday to you all out there!
Remember back in the day when you walked into your favorite Friday night hangout spot, set your bags down and it was all friendly faces and a drink. Well, when you think about it, Moms, not much has changed. Now, I only work part-time right now. I get to be with my girls most of the day. Yet, despite this fact, when I walk in the door, even if I only ran to CVS for ladies' items, those kiddos are happy to see me (yes, I know that someday soon this will change). They may even offer me a sip of their drink. It is a pretty nice feeling. Now, there are plenty of roller coaster moments- this week has not been an easy one, but which week is? The thing is, it is those little moments of joy and smiling faces that make me want to walk outside (and this sounds silly, even back into the bathroom - they have done it, trust me) just so I can hear it all over again.
Now, I know not all of my friends are moms. That is ok. You have the best of both worlds. I am guessing you have friends or family with kiddos. You walk in their house and it is the equivalent of the Beatles' second arrival (oh, please don't tell me you are too young to know what that means!)- it is an awesome thing. Then, after a nice, rousing stay when you have hyped the children up to a ear-splitting level, you still have time to go grab a drink at your favorite spot.... damn.
Well for a second there I was seeing the silver lining. Huh. :D Oh well! Happy Friday anyway! Haha
Isn't it fun to feel like their rock star?! :)