Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2:48 am uh oh

It was a late night at our house- Bruins hockey and Dancing With The Stars... So we got to bed later than usual. 
2:48am.... I was awakened by a smell. A fecal related smell. I heard a distinctive voice calling, "Dadda!!" 
So I did the logical thing.

I sent my husband in there.
It was literally a shit show. 
Oh. My. God.
Not another one!!!! Our beautiful chubby cherub was sporting poop booties and crap mittens- and that is saying nothing of her bed- poop valley. 
Her breath smelled clean.
We were a great team- he took her for a hosing and I did the CSI work cleaning up. Thank god for bleach wipes. 
20 hours later and we have swabbed the decks long ago but I tell you I can still smell the poop. 
So much poop. 
The good side is I learned from a friend that if said cherub accidentally ingested any fecal matter it won't hurt her since it's her own. Not as helpful for the hubby who got a tiny hand shoved in his mouth during the flailing, wailing shower. 
I am keeping a onesie on that kid and my fingers crossed for the hubby. I will keep you posted.
Pretty sure I will wake terrified around 2:30 in the morning and check that kiddo. Gonna take me a while to forget.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Oh wisdom you mischievous vixen, you do desert a gal when she needs it most. Ironically, I have been railing at both kin and student alike about motivation lately. "It's the long-term goal, not momentary fun that matters", and now I am looking for my own kick in the pants to get moving so I feel less awful and get all that needs to be done.... Well, done. 
I blame the couch. And pretty much everything else. Damn, I think this one is on me, huh? 
 So what do you do to get motivated? Do tell please, and talk loud so I can hear your wisdom over the Siren song of my couch... Thanks.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

It's our day!

Well, ladies, this is it. It's Mother's Day. Yup, we get one day. And as you know, we get adorable cards and homemade gifts, and even breakfast in bed. Growing up, we didn't celebrate any holidays so my Mom's reaction to the morning phone call was, "It's just another day." WHEE!!!
   Here is the thing about that response, there is a kernel of perspective in that anti-fun response to my wishing her a good day. It IS just another day. So many people are appreciative of their moms though they never met, miss their departed moms, and wish they could be moms. For them, this is another day that reminds each of them of what they do not have.
   This does not mean I am advocating for all of us to give up our day, but please keep all of the other friends and family who may be sad on this day in your hearts and phone trees.

Oh, and have a glass of wine when you want. It's MOM O'CLOCK!!!! :D