Friday, February 15, 2013

Just keep swimming....

Today is not an easy day for me to be funny. It's the one year anniversary of losing a beloved uncle and friend. I also just found out I was passed on for a teaching position- AGAIN. Today all I want to do is lay in bed, moan vaguely and eat chocolates (well, first I would have to buy some... oh look! some chocolate chips. Nevermind.) and cry about my life. Frankly, with how sick the girls and I have been, and how little work my husband has had, I could do just that and no one would say anything to my face and might just feel bad for me behind my back. BUT (and I know you don't start a sentence with BUT, but this is a blog! Informal writing! Chill.) I saw an inspirational quote on Facebook, ah Facebook you evil time-sucking site that I love, and the great Jane Austen sums it up.

"Those who do not complain are never pitied." -Jane Austen
Yup, that sums up how I feel. I DO NOT want pity. There are so many people out there today who are suffering in ways that are unfair and unimaginable and I am sad for some pretty silly reasons. So no complaints. And no pity. 
This girl is making lemonade, baby! 
  and finally....
Spoken like a true lady.

Go out there and kick some ass today, Ladies!
It doesn't hurt that it's Friday, either.


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